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  • Support is provided strictly for registered IRS qualified non-profit organizations as individuals or groups.

  • Funds are intended to benefit programs that help promote the health, well-being and education of children, youth and families.

  • The beneficiary mission must meet the expectations of the Foundation's focus to promote the health, well-being and education of children, youth and families.

  • Support is primarily provided for existing and sustainable programs. New programs and programs that are yet unable to report measurable results may be considered on a case by case basis.

  • Beneficiaries must have an established ethical reputation in their community through collaboration and business relationships or come with letters of recommendation from established partners.

  • Beneficiaries must have a procedure in place to ensure that the clients they serve meet certain criteria,

  • Beneficiaries are required to submit an operating budget along with a proposal indicating how and when funding will be spent in order for funds to be distributed.

  • Beneficiaries must agree to submit periodic recaps on an approved timely schedule.

  • Any variance from proposed use of funds must have pre approval prior to distribution.

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